Friday, December 6, 2013

It's the little things

Thank you Anne Mistretta for today's entry. You have always supported this blog both with great entries and with words of encouragement. You were the first back on board this year and I sure appreciate you!<
This bird house has been perched on our fence for several years waiting for the momma bird who would call it home. I don't notice it much anymore as it just seems to be a part of the fence now. However, my daughter took the picture recently and the thought popped in my head, "I wonder if that is what the stable was like where Jesus was born?"

The thought kind of caught me off guard. How many of the little, unassuming things do I miss everyday as they "blend into the scenery" but might really be the important things? How many people walked past that stable and never had a clue that they had a chance to be part of the greatest love story ever!?

A reminder for me this Advent and this coming year to be looking for the small things.

1 comment:

Amy said...

Good words. Thank you!