Sunday, December 8, 2013

Autumn on the bayou

Fall is my absolute favorite season. Last year, for our first fall in Louisiana, I was woefully unprepared for how little color they get around these parts. Not a whole lot of deciduous trees in the swamp.... The season came across as rather crispy brown and I felt myself grow a little moldy around the edges as well. This year I was ready for it. And have been wonderously rewarded with the subtle beauty that only comes from a wet climate. In addition, all the celestial bodies and weather patterns that need to align for the leaves to change have obviously come together to bring me some yellows and even those beloved reds this year, too.

And finally, with this awesome live oak in my front yard, I don't need to look for my colorful leaves. Georgia friends and lucky mountain dwellers, enjoy the vivid show for me, but this year I'm okay. I have greenery to keep me company and surround our home the whole year through.

Tree view from the kitchen table -- great for digestion!

1 comment:

Amy said...

Meg!! I love seeing these pictures! I cannot believe that tree. My word, it is gorgeous.