Monday, December 2, 2013

A blog all in photos...

My college roommate, Lillian, is a fantastic photographer. She has this incredible eye for detail and captures it so beautifully, I could do a blog all in photos with her shots, which turn the ordinary in to momentous. Thank you for this picture Lillian, taken on your trip to Nebraska for Thanksgiving.

I don't know much about Nebraska except that it is a place where people of very strong and salt-of-the-earth stock come from, like her Mom, her cousin Lael and her 105-year-old great Aunt Tillie. (We will hear more from Great Aunt Tillie later this month.)

And Nebraska is a place with real seasons, where you can take beautiful pictures like this one. I love it because it exudes the giving of thanks, the beauty of a simple life, the coming of the season. It's perfect. Thank you for letting me use it on the blog without your permission old roomie of mine. And thank you for understanding why I didn't get a chance to call today and ask your permission to use this for the blog...having something to do with Robby's school, traffic, the ongoing science project and accidentally calling out the fire department with a big pan of (very) fried fish. I assure you, it was not because I was b-u-s-y....

1 comment:

Amy said...

Beautiful picture, Lillian!

And Meg? Excuses, excuses...! ha! ;)