Monday, December 8, 2008

To decorate or not to decorate?

Every year my hubby and I grouse and groan about when to get the tree out. It's an all-day affair because we're slow. And easily distracted. And we like to look at all the ornaments. And glue the broken ones back together. So the date is always up for debate.

Yesterday we were tired after a busy weekend out of town for Robby's soccer tournament. But we could have potentially put the tree up. Instead, thanks to an idea on an advent calendar Robby's Sunday school teacher sent home, I impulsively mixed up a few bowls of tempra paint and proceeded to trash our brand new plate glass living room window (so new the shades aren't even back up yet). It was an unholy mess, but the boys loved our "stained glass" holy family. Robby tried to paint something he found in our advent prayer book: "Child of Bethlehem, bring us your peace." (If our painting had a title, that would be it.) But that took too much brain power figuring out how to reverse all those letters on such a small palette, so we settled for a large, backwards "Merry Christmas" in hopes passersby can read it from the street.

If all that is a bit much for you and your rug, consider this neat advent craft... With brown and light orange stamp pads, use your kids' fingers to make thumb print baby Jesus mangers. Make a little orange print with the tip of the pinky for Jesus' head. Attach a brown thumb print below that to represent the swaddling. Use a fine tip marker to add details -- halo, closed eyes and smile on the babe's pinky-print head, lines on the thumb print to look like strips of fabric. Nice gift card for that aforementioned awesome Sunday school teacher! Here's a whole fingerprint nativity scene:

Wanted to show you our nativity window but no need telling you why it's not attached to this post. I think I can add it to the right-hand column of the blog though, look for it there. Speaking of the right column, I'm sure both of the above are on that Amy G. kid craft website she posted, but, umm, I can't, umm... oh brother! Hope you are having a blessed day!

1 comment:

Amy said...

love the window! can't email since we are out of town- spotty computer service -- for some reason i can receive but not send emails. sorry to not be of help with the embedded link thingy. good luck on getting the tree up! :)