Saturday, December 6, 2008

Faith, Interrupted. Faith, Anyhow.

By Dina Niblock

I still relive the moment when I was told my newborn, minutes old, had Down syndrome. The moment I was suppose to be crying for joy instead was filled with tears of deep sorrow. Why? Oh, God, why? How could He do this to me? To my family. I was mad. Mad at Him. Then mad that I was mad. And yet. I have still ventured to church several times with my baby and toddler in tow. I still want my son baptized. I still want him to know the comfort of faith even as I question my own. So, somewhere deep inside, I must know that there is a plan. That God has a plan for us. That even if I still do not understand, that He will guide and comfort the both of us.

postscript: We wanted to post a picture of baby O. for you but (broken record) we are currently experiencing technical difficulties. My loss is your gain... if you want to hear more of the story and see pictures, check out her husband's incredibly well-written blog:

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