Monday, December 7, 2009

All those in favor of a no-stress Christmas, say fa-la-la-la-la!

This cool tip seems to fit in well with the yesterday's pastor's master plan:

Have a Stress-Free Holiday

Molly Gold, a time-management expert from North Carolina, recommends sitting down with your family to pick three words that signify what you want to experience during the holidays. For example, Molly's family chose "family, joy, and peace" this year.

Post these words in your home, somewhere visible for the whole family to see. Before committing to a party, shopping trip, or event, ask yourself if it will help you achieve your family's goals.

Do hours of shopping and wrapping for everyone you know help meet one of your three goals? Do the endless parties fit into the big picture plan? Apply this tactic to other holiday activities that are common causes of stress and anxiety.

Click on the title of this blog for a link to to see more ways for lower stress holidays. Kind of ironic--a simplify-your-Christmas article coming from that mag--so make sure not to get sucked into the 3-page spread on "The perfect holiday table" or recipes for "Pecan Torte like Grandmother used to make," ok? ;)

Also want to share to be careful the level of solemness you put on this family project. In my house (remember, four boys, Dad being the biggest) the replies were "Chocolate, Strawberry and Vanilla," "video games, computer time and horseback riding" and from the big wit, based on the fact that littlest was sick all last week, the real gem worth engraving on gold holiday foil: "pooping, barfing and mucus." God is hilarious sticking me with this crowd of nuts!

1 comment:

Dina said...

you are hilarious!!!