Saturday, December 12, 2009

Advent Angels

By Denise Gunderson

As we were driving home from our second out of three total Christmas pageants, I hear all this bickering in the back seat.

“Micah just pulled my hair!”

“I did not!”

“He’s being mean again, like he always is.”

“I didn’t do anything!"

Wait a minute! Didn’t we just leave a Christmas Concert illuminating the birth of Christ? Shouldn’t we all be in the Christmas spirit and be kind to one another? In an effort to change the mood to my liking, I remembered an idea a friend shared with me earlier in the day. Advent Angels.

Have each child pick a name of a sibling and during Advent, they are to become Angels for that person, secretly doing nice things for them. You can change the name daily if you wish, or keep the same person throughout Advent. As I made the suggestion, the car got quiet and everyone agreed that this would be fun. We drew names this morning, and just for kicks, thought I would include me and my husband. Mom drew Dad’s name and Dad drew the baby’s name, those were easy enough. Then Micah (the hair puller) drew his big brother’s name and instantly said, “I don’t want Noah!” Noah was ecstatic that he drew his twin’s name because he had already cleaned up their room, Advent Angel duty completed.

Then my one and only lovely daughter drew my name. Mind you, I was doing this for the sake of my children, not for me. All I expected was for them to be nice to each other and the only thing I wanted to get out of it was peace in our house and no fighting. But my daughter offered to make me breakfast. I declined since I usually eat after they’re off to school and I didn’t think much of it as I drove the kids to school and went on to work.

When I got home from work, I found the sweetest card on my refrigerator from my Advent Angel. On the front it read, “You’re the best mom ever.” On the inside it read, “I love you” on one side and the other side said, “Dear Mom, I think you are the best mom ever. You’re soooo nice, pretty and you do a lot of nice things for me. Love, your Advent Angel, Sarah.”

At that moment, I was filled with so much love, joy and peace. I feel so blessed to have these little Advent Angels in my life every day throughout the year.

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