Saturday, December 11, 2010

I say it outloud and praise the Lord for it...

The older we get the more we are aware of all the things that make us thankful: like our freedoms, our health and that of our family and friends, the messages we send one another from our hearts, the lessons we learn in acceptance, forgiveness and love, having the strength to stand uncompromisingly on Truth and everyday blessings which fuel us and for the ability to remember the good times of our loved ones passed. Thank you Lord.

We are still amazed that "out of the mouths of babes" we can hear God and receive simple yet profound life teachings and that from the golden season of life of the "greatest generation" we can sit at their feet and receive wisdom - among other things..... (just kiddin!)

I am thankful today for God's healing hand on my husband that step by step, his sinuses have been healed, from God leading us to the "right" doctor to perform surgery, to the prayer cover that elevated and made straight the way and for amazing results and I SAY IT OUTLOUD and praise the Lord for it. I am thankful during his recovery that he was more than a little "scratchy" and that at times I thought to adopt him out but chose instead to keep him because I love him and he does have his good points. He's making spagetti as we speak and it's always good!

Let's celebrate and hope we are a contageous virus as Meg says! Amen.
--Terri Abbott

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