Friday, December 30, 2011

Three Kings Day Party

Amy found this great activity list for Epiphany on Living Montessori Now. Take a look at all the great links and Three Kings Day ideas there.

Poking around I saw this adorable party concept on the blog Watkins Every Flavor Beans

Everyone dressed up in crowns and capes (towels or sheets). We played a game where the 'kings' all followed the star I had on a stick. They ran around the house looking for baby Jesus. Jonah played his own rendition of this game until we had to take the stick from him when the game became wild enough that I began fearing for our dishes and Christmas tree's safety.

I wanted to make a cake in a loaf pan and decorate it like a treasure chest... that didn't happen. But we did have carrot muffins with gold coins on top, and raisins and oranges in silver and gold papers. Gold, frankincense and myrrh!

Wish I'd started this when my kids were younger... would be fun to do with my Kindergarten Sunday school class too!

1 comment:

Amy said...

Cute! Love the party idea.