Wednesday, December 7, 2011

It's a little surreal

Since it was 70 degrees today (sorry Northern friends) it was easy to stop time in my mind. Because 70 means early fall, right?

And then Robby had soccer practice (which is usually over by now but he is filling in for a player on a friend's team) so that put my fall fantasy into full swing.

But the calendar is open on my desk, and yes, it is December 6.

I could panic and in the past, I have. Oh mercy, have I panicked. Like, not pretty, hide-in-your-room-boys-mama's-on-the-warpath unattractive.

I could worry, and let me assure you, that's been a speci-al-ity of mine, too. Have you ever bitten your nails so badly your fingers bleed?

Here's the deal. It's not even that I refuse to let myself feel that way anymore, though that would be ideal. It's that I physically cannot muster it. With enough reminders, with three years of great blog posts, with all your support and love and gratitude, I finally know what is most important and I am almost walking the walk.

And with God's grace, I am keeping the reason for the season above my need to rush around and get it all done.

But when I feel the heat creeping up my neck as I know it will in weeks to come when the pressure tries to rise, I know I can ask myself... is this what God has planned for us? Is this the Advent he would want me to have? Is this the best way to prepare myself for the birth of our savior?

I'll keeping working until the answer is yes.

1 comment:

Amy said...

AMEN, meg!!! :) love this post! thank you.