Monday, December 26, 2011

Keeping the home fires burning

It's so tempting.

After a long day, the house is still at long last. The old me would be in the family room now, so glad everyone was finally in bed so I could start to clean, to organize into the smallest possible piles, to sweep up the remnants of Christmas.

But I've only had the tree up a week or so. And the books and toys beneath it still smell like wrapping paper. The Newborn King (asleep on the hay, of course) is just a few hours old. The Wise Men still have half a continent to cross and the candles in the Advent wreath really only burned short at lunchtime today.

So though it's tempting, I'm holding off.

And hanging out.

And enjoying the mess.

And the fact that Christmas isn't over.

It has only just begun.


Jamie said...

Hope you had a great Christmas. Today I kind of feel like Mary must have felt -- relief that the birth was over. Nothing better than those still quiet moments.

mEg said...

Just loving the downtime, ahhhh! You? I won't tell you how late I slept this morning but suffice it to say I missed breakfast, nice... Now we have colder weather which means even more housebound time here, niiiiicccceeee!

Amy said...

Merry Christmas, Meg! True, so true about letting it go and being still, enjoying it. Somehow, this year's Christmas day was the busiest I have ever had (Church, visitors and meals at our house all day), so I am thankful that I slowed down before and now enjoying slow after Christmas.