Yesterday the boys missed the bus. Ho-hum. Into the car with much bickering, much fuss and a non-stop commentary from the eldest on how he was going to miss his make-up test he was supposed to be taking. At. This. Very. Moment.
Cruising up to the only major intersection in town, I am rather annoyed to be out in my car with my loud, malcontent children when I am supposed to be at home in my quiet, warm house working on my ongoing desk issues. I ponder the irony of my mantra that one main reason I don't put them on the bus all that much is that I enjoy the extra time with them in the car before and after school.
And then I missed the light.
Which is when the blessing began.
Before me is one glorious sunrise. The kind of day-launch that can only be described as purple. And at that moment, from the cemetery just south of the intersection, a hundred thousand swallows took wing, all but covering the sliver of sun just peeking up over the trees.
And incredibly--oh God, how do you do it?-- the all-strings version of "O' Come All Ye Faithful" is on the radio and starting to swell at the Rejoice! Rejoice! E-man-an-uel portion and like sudden angels, the boys are as breathless as I, really in total awe of the scene God has painted across the sky.
Wow. Just WOW!
The drive to school and the daily blog post, all salvaged at one merciful red light.
(Wish I could say I took this picture. But if I'd had my camera with me yesterday, I promise, with the exception of the lake, this is exactly what we saw!!!)
love this! thank you, meg :) love hearing how God redeemed a crazy, running-late morning.
It was really something! I'd gladly drive them daily with that scenery... seriously though, what a striking reminder of "why hurry? why worry?" I'm thankful!
Been thinking of you! How's the gifts for charity shaping up? Still planning on everything under the tree being just for Jesus?
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