Sunday, November 28, 2010

Let us therefore lurch forward into advent

After four days with my parents, my siblings and their families, I found myself dashing out the door this morning to zoom home for all the laundry, homework help and piles awaiting me there.

Giving kisses and lame excuses--including the need to get the blog rolling--my wise, nearly-adult niece wanted to know... "What's the hurry? Why do you need to start the blog today? Why not stay awhile longer? Isn't it just advent in the ordinary?"

Stopping three times to let Jeremy void the contents of his stomach into a Walmart bag, I could only laugh out loud. He already had a fever and croup, wow. Home now with Lucca also ill (big thanks to hubby on the extended clean-up, oh my) it is beginning to look like an annual tradition, this violent entry into the season. You know the whole thing about making God laugh every time you plan....

To honor that and in honor of my poor sick children... to remember where we are and where we want to be... to remember, most of all, to always laugh, even if you feel like crying... please read on to the next post, compliments of my dear friend Anne Mistretta. Now let's all roll up our sleeves and get down to business, shall we? Big blessings on the days ahead!


Morris five said...

Meg, I saw your email about the blog being up again and I am so excited to see it!! You are a girl after my own heart. I am only sad I don't see you in person anymore. Here are my 10+ words:

May God allow my hardships and heartaches to bless me with strength and wisdom this Advent.

And on a more positive note: May the Peace of Christ infuse my soul with True Joy this Season. :)

Jamie said...

yay! glad you made it home. I need an advent influx in the worst way. I woke to HKate standing over me 3 a.m. Saturday morning. "I threw up." Thankfully, it was all over the hardwoods and no sheet changing necessary. PTL. j